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HYPERFIT (Limited license, ver. 2.237, released 11.11.2024) can be downloaded:

  • directly from this link: Download
  • alternatively from Dropbox.com or contact the author for direct link.
  • Having problems with downloading/running of HYPERFIT? - See Troubleshooting instructions.

    History of new features

    ver. 2.237 (11.11.2024) - New option for Microfiber model - 2x_Beta fiber distribution; also as separate PDF
    - New option for Microfiber model - Volumetric potential
    - Minor improvements - sorting of models in Documentation
    ver. 2.231 (22.7.2024) - Improvements in project open/save procedures
    - Faster import of large data-sets and project files
    - New GUI object - Command line for direct/interactive scripting
    - Adopting of parameter values during model re-definition
    - Correction of bug in "Uniaxial (3) (+TrDef)" test protocol (bug only in combination with anisotropic NI-models)
    ver. 2.218 (11.3.2024) - New data protocol - "Uniaxial (3)" for out-of-plane test data (anisotropic materials)
    - Alternative model sorting - based on specific FE package
    - Minor improvements - adaptive default test data directory
    ver. 2.213 (9.10.2023) - New option for Microfiber model - (4x vonMises PDF ~ FFF)
    - Corrections for Parallel model (in combination with Linear solver)
    - Minor improvements in solution of uniaxial tension
    - Minor improvements of NM and GA solvers
    - Fung model capability extended by "Uniaxial + TrDef" data protocol
    ver. 2.210 (19.1.2023) - New solver - Genetic Algorithm (GA)
    - Some minor GUI development
    ver. 2.200 (1.9.2022) - New data protocol - "Uniaxial + TrDef" allowing transversal deformation (Poisson's ratio) to be taken into account
    - Activating/Deactivating of individual response channels
    - Model pop-up menu - for easy&fast import/export of model parameters via clipboard
    - Image pop-up menu - for easy&fast export of resulting chart via clipboard
    - Objective data available also for individual data-sets and indvidual response channels
    - Shared Y-axis option for more intuitive control of charts
    - Some minor development bugs - fixed
    ver. 2.185 (21.4.2022) - New constitutive model - HOLZAPFEL, 2015 (double-dispersion model with two KAPPAs for soft tissue)
    - New constitutive model - Nearly-incompressible Bergstrom-Boyce model (released for general use)
    - Bug in Bergstrom-Boyce model - fixed (only multiple data-sets affected)
    ver. 2.182 (10.1.2022) - Model selection modes - modified
    ver. 2.181 (20.5.2021) - Kachanov model selection - fixed
    ver. 2.180 (17.5.2021) - Opening of corrupted projects - fixed/improved
    ver. 2.179 (16.12.2020) - App. start/exit procedures - speedup
    ver. 2.176 (07.12.2020) - App. crashing issue - fixed (only ver. > 2.172 affected)
    ver. 2.175 (12.10.2020) - Activating/Deactivating of individual data points
    - Copy/Paste of test data (e.g. from/to MS Excel)
    - Decimating of test data
    - A few internal improvements/de-bugs
    ver. 2.165 (24.2.2020) - Scripting feature documented
    - Run/Continue buttons decoupled
    - Fast starting/closing improvements
    ver. 2.162 (16.9.2019) - Graphics improvements
    - Input data issue (text file coding) - fixed
    - Formal bug in Bergstrom-Boyce model - fixed (only ver. 2.159 affected)
    ver. 2.159 (20.5.2019) - Duplication/Clone of data window available
    - Formal bug in Parallel model - fixed
    - Formal bug in Prony series model - fixed
    ver. 2.156 (1.3.2019) - Internal improvements
    - Console window hide possibility
    ver. 2.153 (29.10.2018) - Internal improvements
    - Starting point improvement
    ver. 2.152 (3.10.2018) - Delay in exiting the application - corrected
    - New options for Mooney-Rivlin model (3, 5, 9 -pars)
    ver. 2.150 (18.8.2018) - A few internal improvements
    ver. 2.149 (27.7.2018) - Improvements in Project File Name management
    ver. 2.147 (9.4.2018) - Bug in project initiation (GUI shutdown events) - corrected
    ver. 2.145 (26.2.2018) - New constitutive model - PRONY SERIES (hyper-visco-elasticity)
    - A few internal improvements/de-bugs
    ver. 2.141 (7.11.2017) - A few internal improvements
    ver. 2.139 (19.09.2017) - A few minor de-bugs
    - License checking improvements
    ver. 2.138 (19.08.2017) - Save/Open Project function
    - User scripting functionality
    - New license key approach
    ver. 2.135 (18.04.2017) - New constitutive model - Four-Fibre-Family model (anisotropic model for fibrous soft tissue)
    - New constitutive model - Specific type of Ogden model compatible with ABAQUS
    - Simple Shear test protocol
    - New volumetric potential compatible with MSC MARC
    - A few de-bugs in management of data-sets
    ver. 2.125 (22.11.2016) - New constitutive model - Nearly-incompressible Bergstrom-Boyce model (ANSYS and LS-Dyna implementations, only for customer with exclusive right for now)
    - New functionality in Data window - other than "Engineering" STRESS-type is now available
    - New functionality in Data window - other than "Engineering" STRAIN-type is now available
    - More than one data-set file can be opened by a single action (multiple input file selection enabled)
    - New weights (W5/W6) for manual/automatic weighing of individual data channels
    - New option in Ramberg-Osgood model
    - A few de-bugs in plot functionalities
    ver. 2.105 (10.5.2016) - New constitutive model - Veronda-Westmann
    - New distribution function model - planar von-Mises PDF
    - A few corrections in documentation, solvers and plot functionalities
    ver. 2.101 (4.1.2016) - Three new constitutive models - Anisotropic nearly-incompressible
    - A few corrections in documentation
    ver. 2.093 (6.8.2015) - Downloading and Instalation problems caused by Symantec antivirus products is now solved (HYPERFIT accepted for WhiteList of Symantec Corporation, only for 2.093 Hyperfit version)
    ver. 2.092 (3.8.2015) - Any Goodness-of-fit quantity (e.g. R^2 parameter) now available also as Objective function for optimization algorithm !!!
    - New normalization options now available
    - Residuum history plot now available for on-line monitoring of the solution quality evolution
    - Nearly incompressible constitutive models now available (isotropic, hyperelastic)
    - New constitutive model: Polynomial anisotropic
    - Small correction in Microfiber model with Option#1 = 1 to 3
    - Small change in initiation conditions for optimization of nearly-zero parameters
    - A bunch of graphical improvements and corrections
    ver. 2.071 (8.12.2014) - New constitutive model for foam materials (Ogden-foam_2 - for MARC MSC)
    - New load protocol for foam materials (Confined compression)
    - Already existing Load protocols now available also for foam materials (Planar and Biaxial tension)
    ver. 2.067 (27.8.2014) - New constitutive model (Beda model)
    - New default constraint method for bounds (projection method)
    - Bug in multi-DataSet fitting - corrected (only previous 2.057 version was affected)
    - Improvements in all constraint methods implementation
    - Little improvements in graphics
    ver. 2.057 (28.7.2014) - New solvers (Levenberg-Marquardt, and others)
    - New constitutive model (general Parallel model)
    - New constitutive options for Microfiber model (3D Bingham and 2D von-Mises fiber distributions)
    - Improvements in numerics related to solution near reference (zero-stress) points
    - Little improvements in graphics
    ver. 2.029 (28.1.2014) - New constitutive options (Piecewice MG2 and MG3) for Microfiber model: directional-dependent waviness
    - Bug in von-Mises distribution function of Microfiber model - corrected
    ver. 2.027 (24.7.2013) - New features in Gasser model (ABAQUS compatibility; 2-D/planar fiber distribution; other improvements)
    - Improvements in numerics related to solution of Uniaxial stress states
    ver. 2.026 (21.5.2013) - New constitutive model for Creep (Norton)
    - New constitutive option for Microfiber model (Piecewise fiber response model according to Martuffi & Gasser in addition to already included Holzapfel exponential model)
    - Improvement in numerics related to Blatz-Ko model
    - New button for creating fictive experimental data from model responce - for easy re-fitting of models to each other
    - Bug in import of individual weights W3 from file - corrected
    ver. 2.017 (8.10.2012) - New constitutive model (Extended Tube)
    - New option for Langevin function approximation in Arruda-Boyce model (Pade approximation)
    - New option for Bergstrom-Boyce model (ANSYS compatibility, ABAQUS compatibility)
    - New option for Microfiber model (general/histogram experimental input data of fiber orientation can be used directly instead of specific distribution function)
    - Bug in Bergstrom-Boyce model - corrected
    - Small changes in priority of separators
    ver. 2.011 (24.7.2012) - New constitutive models (Chaboche, Ramberg-Osgood (elasto-plastic models)
    - New possibility to calibrate Probability density functions (von-Mises PDFs) -> used e.g. for material models with distributed fibre orientations
    - Optimized numerics of Microfiber constitutive model
    - Changes in internal structure of data protocols
    ver. 2.006 (16.1.2012) - New constitutive model (Bergstrom-Boyce, visco-hyperelastic model)
    - Changed format of input data-set file(s) ('time' column added for all load protocols as a first column)
    . . . . Motivation: this change is due to the compatibility with new visco-elastic model(s)
    . . . . Consequence: the new data-set files are INCOMPATIBLE with previous versions of Hyperfit !!!
    - New possibility of a sequence of data-sets (history-dependent model can now initiate also from previous data-set instead of virgin state only)
    - Changed default settings of residua (now the residua are NOT NORMALIZED by default)
    ver. 1.167 (9.8.2011) - New constitutive models (Miehe, Marckmann)
    - Options of constitutive models (Yeoh, Arruda-Boyce, ...)
    - Arruda-Boyce model with inverse Langevin function
    - Consistency of all constitutive models (with and without Mullins effect)
    - Gradient descent method debugged
    ver. 1.161 (23.6.2011) - New anisotropic constitutive model (Holzapfel, 2005)
    - Calculation of quality parameters
    - Possibility to continue in (interrupted) calibration process without restarting
    - Some graphical improvements

    Problems with downloading / running

    - If you have problems to download the instalation file, check your antivirus settings (e.g. Symantec antivirus products (Norton 360, Norton Security and Symantec Endpoint Protection) might incorrectly identify the instalation file as suspicious (WS.Reputation.1 alert) and block the downloading and instalation process). Deactivate temporarily the protective function or contact the author to get an alternative way to download the instalation file.
    - Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Prerequisite is necessary for running Hyperfit application. If you do not have it installed yet, you should download the Redistributable Package (x86) from here or here (www.microsoft.com).